
Codes and Conventions

Contents page of NME
There isn’t a title showing the reader that this page is a contents page instead there is the title ‘NME THIS WEEK’ which is a way of reminding the reader that it is a NME magazine. The word ‘NME’ is written in a red font with a white border and black background which is the same as how it was on the front cover therefore a constant reminder that this style of writing means they are reading NME magazine.
Four colours have been used on the contents page these colours being red, black, white and green. The red and white colours are carried on from the front cover so each page of the magazine looks similar but different so it isn’t boring and instead more interesting. The red, white and black colours have been used around the outside edges of the page with green and black colours used in the middle of the page.
Small images have been used instead of having one main image on this page, these being 6 smaller pictures of studio interviews with different bands. They are all together in a group all in the same size showing how they are of all equal importance. There are also 2 pictures of other NME magazines at the bottom of the page advertising to the readers to subscribe to the magazine. Having pictures of previous NME magazines gives the reader a better idea of what they will be getting if they do decide to subscribe.
The main font used on this magazine is a sans-serif font in either the colours red, black, white or yellow. There is a ‘Band Index’ down the left hand side of the page with all the different bands in the magazine listed in a small, red font. The page numbers are given next to each band in a black font. The small font makes it hard to read so the titles are what grab the reader’s attention and then the readers go on to reading the smaller text. On the right hand side of the page there are sub-headings of main news and reviews in the magazine. By having these pages written in a larger font with sub-headings it looks more appealing, showing its importance over the ‘Band Index’, making the reader look at the pages on the right hand side rather than the left hand side.
An arrow has been used along the right hand side of the contents page showing what is on the cover of the magazine. This is helpful for the reader as if they see something they like on the cover then it is easy for them to find which page it is on from the contents page. A small green and black border has been used around the title ‘Albums of 2009’ in the centre of the page with the background as green circles. Having a green background that contrasts with the rest of the page and a large black title over the top of it allows the text to stand out grabbing the reader’s attention before they look at the rest of the page.

From this magazine contents page I will take into consideration when making my own contents page the way the bands in the magazine have been listed down the side of the page making it easier for the reader to see which bands they want to read about and which they don't. I also like how headings have been used above each section of stories such as 'news' and 'reviews' separating the contents page again making it easier to read. I will try and incorporate these features when I come to do my own magazine.

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