
Codes and Conventions

Double page spread of NME
A title hasn’t been used on this page therefore it isn’t clear to what the page is actually about. Pictures have been used of a band but again it isn’t clear to whom the band actually is. This isn’t a very good technique to use as you want to grab the reader’s attention by them seeing a good bands name written in large, bold letters across the double page spread.
A 3 colour scheme has been used with the colours black, white and green. The page is just black and white with different, dark colours in the pictures. The panel down the right hand side of the page is an advertisement which is written in a green font with a black background. The pictures used don’t carry on the 3 colour scheme of black, white and green as a mixture of colours are used in each image. The page has been laid out in a block style making it look more sophisticated targeting an older audience who like rock music.
There is one main image that spreads across the centre of the double page spread with three smaller images underneath it. The main picture used shows the band playing at a concert immediately grabbing the reader’s attention by it showing them that they are a successful band. Then, using smaller pictures, the reader is shown the behind the scenes part making the article more personal.
A sans-serif font has been used for this article, continuing on with the sophisticated look of the article. Two drop capitals have been used on the page indicating a more important part of the article. On the left hand side of the page quotes have been highlighted allowing it to stand out for the reader so when they read it they are curious to see what it is talking about so they go on to reading the rest of the magazine.

I like how at the beginning of some of the paragraphs drop capitals have been used breaking the text up. I also like how one main image is used with a few smaller images which I will take into consideration when carrying out my own magazine.

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