
Codes and Conventions

Kerrang Contents Page
The title ‘Contents’ is at the top left hand side of the page and is written in the same writing as the title ‘Kerrang’ on the front cover. ‘Contents’ is written in a smaller font compared to the one of the front cover showing it is less important. There are still lines going through the letters to remind the reader they are reading ‘Kerrang’. The title ‘Kerrang’ is repeated in the centre of the page where it begins to tell the reader what page is what.
A lot of block colours and patterns have been used as they stand out more and help make the layout of the page look tidier. A 3 colour scheme has been used with red, black and white as well as some of the writing in yellow. Each section of writing is written in a colour that stands out against its background such as ‘Hot Shots’ is written in white writing with a red background where as the sub-headings of the contents page are written in yellow writing with a black background. The reason for this is so that the writing can be read clearly and easily.
A large picture of Greenday has been used acting as the background for the top half of the page.  The serious facial expressions used help the magazine to target its audience of people who take their rock music seriously. Having a large picture of the band contrasts with the importance of the band as on the front cover as only a small picture was used there. As well as Greenday, 4 small pictures of other bands have been used showing that a variety of different bands are used throughout the magazine. On the bottom half of the page a small picture of the deputy editor has been used with a few words from him underneath telling the reader a bit about what has happened in the magazine. Smaller pictures have been used in the ‘Kerrang! This Week’ part to show the reader in more detail what a few of the pages inside the magazine are about.
All the text used on the contents page is written using a sans-serif font. This is because it is a block font and the block theme has been used throughout the magazine. It is bold, stands out and is easy to read therefore attracting the reader’s attention. Although the text is all in a sans-serif font it is all written differently such as different sizes have been used as well as different colours and different effects. Having a variety of different ways of displaying the text makes the page look more interesting therefore the reader is more likely to read it and then go on to reading the rest of the magazine.
At the bottom right hand corner, there is an advertisement for getting the ‘Kerrang’ magazine delivered. There are 3 examples of ‘Kerrang’ magazines as well as persuasive language: ‘for just £6’ to attract the reader’s attention. Having this advertisement at the beginning of the magazine puts the idea of it in the readers head so if they enjoy reading it, they know they can read it again easily without having to go out for it, it can be delivered.

From this contents page I will take into consideration when doing my own contents page the layout of the page. I really like the way they have set it out in two half’s compared to the usual columns style. I also like how an editor's piece is included along the left hand side making it seem like a lot of work and time has gone into making it. I will also take into consideration the words 'This Week' as it separates the page and sounds better than just 'contents'.

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