
Codes and Conventions

Kerrang Double Page Spread
The title used on the double page spread is written in a small, serif font. It doesn’t stand out compared to the main picture used which is what grabs the reader’s attention. The title ‘Paramore’ is written inside a banner going diagonally across the top left hand side of the page with a black background, red border and is written in white which is the same 3 colour scheme used on the front cover and contents page. The title isn’t very noticeable as it shows the reader that the article is about before the band Paramore became popular instead of the article being all about what they are doing now and plan to do in their future. 
On the left hand side of the page the picture of Hayley Williams fills up the page with her other 4 bands mates in smaller pictures going across the middle of the two pages. The other 4 bands mates being shown in smaller pictures shows that they aren’t as important as Hayley is, as she is the one that grabs the reader’s attention. There is also a contrast in the photos by Hayley sticking up her two fingers showing her ‘rock and roll’ side whereas the rest of the band mates are laughing or messing around again showing her importance over theirs. Having Hayley Williams stick up her two fingers helps the magazine to target its audience of young female and male adults. The 3 colour scheme is carried on throughout the pictures with Hayley wearing a red t-shirt and the other band mates wearing black and white t-shirts. On the right hand side of the page there is 2 columns of writing with a black background, red border and written in white. There is also some bigger writing in the middle of the second column quoting Hayley Williams which is written in white with her name written in red matching her t-shirt.
The smaller writing in the columns is written in a sans-serif font whereas the larger writing such as the title and the quote from Hayley Williams is written in a serif font. There are only 2 styles of writing here compared to the contents page and front cover where a varied amount of different styles were used showing that this page is all about Paramore and nothing else.
Underneath the picture of Hayley Williams there is a caption written in white writing with a black box around it. It tells the reader who is in the picture as well as saying a ‘star is born’. She is again shown as the most important person of the band as the other band mates don’t have a caption so aren’t given names; they are just her band mates. The page number is given at the bottom of the page   as well as the name of the magazine so the reader is being constantly reminded on what they are reading.

From this double page spread I will take into consideration when doing my own magazine the fact that one main image is used as well as a few smaller images. I like the fact that the smaller images separate the main image from the text so more attention is draw towards the main image. I will also try to incorporate a quote like the one used on this page as it grabs the readers attention before they even start to read the article.

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