
Codes and Conventions

Front cover of NME
The title used on this front cover doesn’t stretch across the whole page and instead is just in the left hand corner. It is written in a sans-serif font in 3 different colours; red for the text with a white background and black border. The title is inside of a yellow banner that stretches across the top of the page which also has in it 8 pictures of bands that are in the magazine giving the reader a better idea of what is in the magazine. Having the red NME title against the yellow banner helps it to stand out grabbing the reader attention.
There is a 3 colour scheme used with the colours red, white and yellow. The bright red and yellow colours are used for the background of the banners that go across the page. When red is used for the background the text is in yellow and when the background is in yellow the text is in red this is to help the writing to stand out therefore grabbing the reader’s attention.  
A large picture has been used in the centre of the magazine with eight smaller pictures showing different artists at the top of the page. The main picture is a close up of two men looking straight at the camera which overlaps the title at the top allowing it stand out more grabbing the reader’s attention. The eight smaller pictures are grouped together at the top of the page showing how they are all equal in importance compared to the main, large picture used.
A sans-serif font has been used in red, white and yellow colours on the front cover. The text is written in bold with the opposite colour behind it allowing the text to stand out more. The price in the top left hand corner is the only piece of text written in a serif font making it look softer and nicer to show that it is a good price for a magazine. Some of the text is written on angles giving a variety of different ways of presenting the text on the page as only one or two fonts have been used.
There is a banner going across the middle of the page advertising ‘New Albums of 09’ in a bright yellow font with smaller, white writing underneath it explaining more of what it is about. Having ‘New Albums 09’ written in a large font going across the middle of the page, grabs the readers attention so they pick it up and read the smaller writing then the rest of the magazine.

From this magazine I will take into consideration when making my own magazine the way bands have been listed at the bottom of the page straight away engaging the reader into who’s featured in the magazine. I also like the 'plus' used inside of an arrow making it more interesting than just the word 'plus'. I will try and incorporate these features into my magazine as much as I can.

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