Total Guitar Contents Page
The title ‘contents’ is written in a bold, serif font in white, block capital letters allowing the reader to clearly see what the page is about. The background behind the word ‘contents’ is in red and has a black border following it underneath. The other headings are written down the left hand side of the page in the same style writing as the main title but are smaller with a black background.
A 3 colour scheme is being used here with the colours red, white and black which is different to the front cover which was blue, white and black. The colour red signifies power and the main image used also helps the page to look powerful therefore it grabs the reader’s attention. Having different colour schemes inside the magazine compared to the cover makes the magazine look more interesting therefore the reader is more likely to read on.
There have 3 images used; one main one with two smaller ones underneath. The main image has on it the two men that were stood in the background of the picture on the front cover therefore contrasting their importance from each page. They are both holding guitars; one pointing up and the other pointing down, this fills out a larger area helping the picture to stand out more. The picture slightly overlaps the title ‘contents’ again allowing the picture to stand out as well as it giving a 3D effect. The two men are looking right into the camera with serious facial expressions showing the serious side to the magazine compared to the fun, rock guitar side that the two smaller pictures show underneath. The two smaller pictures both have guitars in them constantly reminding the reader that this is a guitar magazine. The 3 colour scheme is also being used throughout the pictures, having either a white or red background with the guitar being black or the clothes the man in the picture is wearing being black.
Every font on this page is a serif font although they are different styles, different sizes and different colours. There are 3 headings down the left hand side written in a white, bold font each inside a small black box allowing the white writing stand out. The numbers listed underneath these headings are in bold but are in black with a white background allowing them to also stand out. The larger and brighter fonts are what grab the reader’s attention so they then go on to reading the smaller text that is harder to read which gives them more information. Next to the 3 images used, there are large page numbers in the corners of each of them. These page numbers stand out a lot more compared to the page numbers written down the left hand side, showing how they are more important; worth reading.
The layout of the page is very neat which isn’t what you think of when you think of guitars therefore different techniques are used to meet these expectations. An example of one of these techniques is the title 2 sculls have been used in the letter ‘O’ showing the magazine still has its ‘rock and roll’ side. A yellow text box has been used next to the page numbers that were mentioned on the front cover. Having the colour yellow, contrasts with the 3 colour scheme used on the rest of page again showing that it isn’t just a ‘neat’ magazine.
From this contents page I will take into consideration the way enlarged numbers of pages in the magazine have been used on the pictures to show where the pictures are in the magazine. I also like the way the contents page is separated with black boxes making headings for each section of the contents page.
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