
Codes and Conventions

Double page spread of Kerrang
A title hasn’t been used on this page therefore it isn’t clear to what the page is actually about. The words’ ‘Fistful of Steel’ has been written in the centre of the page which is the largest piece of text on the page. ‘Fistful of Steel’ isn’t the title of the page or the title of the band therefore making it confusing for the reader for what the page is actually about. The title of the band has been written in a small, red, san-serif font in the paragraph on the left hand side. It isn’t very eye catching apart from it being in a different colour so it won’t grab the reader’s attention.
A 3 colour scheme has been used these colours being red, black and white. Most of the text has been written in a white font with bits of writing highlighted in red such as quotes, the drop capital and the name of the band. The photograph used fills up the double page spread which is taken in a dark room therefore the white writing used stands out against the dark background.
The 3 colour scheme has been carried throughout the picture used, as the band is all in black apart from the man at the front in red. Having only one of the band mates in red and having him in front of everyone else shows his importance compared to the others. He also has his hand stuck out in front of him like he is physically grabbing the reader’s attention. It is most likely that he has the most fans out of the band with him being in lead, so when the readers who like this band open the page and the first thing they see is him, they are more likely to want to read the article. 
Only san-serif fonts have been used on this page but in different colours, styles and sizes. The word ‘steel’ in the centre of the page is the only word in a completely different style and font to the rest of the page. The word ‘steel’ is made to look like steel by it being in a silver metallic colour with light hitting off of it at the corners making the page more interesting. The word also lands in the hand stretched out of the man at the front making him look tougher giving the ‘rock’ impression.
The article has been split into four columns, two on each page. A drop capital has been used at the start of the article in a bold, red font compared to the small, white text used for the article itself. Having the drop capital makes it clear to the reader where the article begins. A caption has been used next to the picture on the right hand side briefly explaining who is in the picture so readers know what they are looking at. The title of the magazine ‘Kerrang’ has been used at the bottom of the page next to the page number, meaning the reader has a constant reminder of what magazine they are reading so they know which one to get next time.

From this double page spread I will take into consideration when carrying out my own magazine that having a good, strong image is really important as the image used on this page grabs the reader's attention straight away so I want my photo to grab the reader’s attention straight away by my model having attitude in their facial expression. I also like how a quotation has been used at the bottom of the page so I will also try to incorporate that into my double page spread.

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