
Front Cover Rough Cut

I am pleased with what I have accomplished with my front cover rough cut. I am going to take into account the feedback I received and change certain parts to improve my magazine. I am going to keep the picture used for the front cover because I think it really works with the genre of the magazine.


Contents Page Rough Cut

I am pleased with my contents page but there are a lot of improvements I want to make including changing the blue boxes and tidying up the bottom of the page overall. I am going to change some of the pictures used on my contents page and make the writing slightly bigger so it is easier to read.


Double Page Spread Rough Cut

I am really pleased with the way my double page spread turned out. There aren't as many improvements I want to make on this page, mainly small things to tidy it up. I want to take a few more pictures of Amped in a more casual environment rather than on a photo shoot and use those in the article instead of the small picture there now. I am also going to make the main picture smaller so it fits on the page better.



I presented my rough cut copy of my magazine in front of my class and they each wrote out good points that they liked about my magazine as well as improvements I could make. The image above shows an example of one the slips they filled out.

Good points for front cover
  • Good title, professional image
  • Very good front cover, can’t find any bad points
  • Mint image, title and colour schemes
  • Good title and photo
  • I like the photo and the magazine name, font and colour
  • The image fits in well with the genre
  • Good picture and font of title
  • Font title is good
  • Nice title and also great band name
  • Cool title
  • Love the title and the way you have chosen the clothing carefully to fit in with rock theme.
  • Good attitude presented in photo, looks professional
  • Title looks great, strong main image

Improvements for front cover
  • Too much going on
  • Capitals for ‘Plectrums’
  • Too many fonts
  • Less fonts and I wouldn’t have angled photos, keep them straight
  • Too much going on at once
  • Text could be slightly bigger
  • More stories on the front cover
  • To many fonts, tone it down
  • Change line through ‘Plectrums’
  • Move barcode and issue number
  • Make title thicker and more obvious, use capitals and not sure about the competition story and album cover used.
  • Untidy, use more constant fonts and make main story more obvious

Good points for contents page
  • Good images
  • Good use of images
  • Cool layout, some good images
  • Good photos
  • Top half looks great
  • I like the layout of the pictures
  • Good variation of photos and colours
  • I like the image variation
  • Looks neat and precise
  • Good range of photos
  • Great photo section

Improvements for contents page
  • Change font for ‘this week’
  • Font on contents doesn’t look too professional
  • There isn’t enough content
  • Too many fonts, use darker colour scheme
  • Bottom half looks to separate, don’t use blue
  • Use different variety of images
  • Not sure the two blue boxes work with the other colours
  • Make it look more ‘rocky’
  • Use bigger fonts
  • Change blue boxes have more headings in contents bit at bottom

Good points for double page spread
  • Good image, title and quote
  • Impressive
  • Nice lighting, really good
  • Good title, photo, layout and scratched bit at the bottom
  • Layout, text and fonts are great
  • Good title
  • I like the font of the title and the drop capital
  • Good faded photo in bottom corner
  • Nice layout of 3 columns
  • Good variety of pictures
  • Love the editing in the bottom corner, the title and the picture fits in really well too.
  • Well arranged photo and good mise-en-scene
  • Awesome, good image, design and fonts

Improvements for double page spread
  • Text is to spread out
  • Font size perhaps a little to big
  • The heads are chopped off
  • Tops of heads are cut off
  • Maybe make the quote bolder and capitalised
  • Change ‘I’ drop capital
  • The little picture is too small
  • Reduce image in size
  • Heads are cut off
  • Add ‘revolution’ next to page number
  • Tidy the columns (justify) and your photos are cropped to much at the top

I am pleased with the response I received and will try and take into account as much of the feedback as possible when finalising my magazine. I found that I received a mixture of views such as some people said ‘good layout, some good images’ for my contents page where as others said ‘bottom half looks separate’ and ‘use a variety of images’. I will look at each comment and if I agree with their point I will make the changes. I will experiment with the changes recommended to make my magazine look better to see if I think they work on my magazine or don’t. The feedback I have received has been really helpful and I will use it all to the best of my ability.

Diary Entry

Week Nine
28th March – Today I presented my rough cut in front of the class and they wrote feedback for to me to make improvements for my final magazine.

29th March – Today I looked through all the feedback and began to make changes on my magazine front cover.

30th March – Today I began to re-arrange my blog so it was easier to read. I added on the last few weeks of diary entries.

31st March – Today I added the development of my pictures and title used on my magazine onto my blog.

1st April – Today I carried out with makes changes to my magazine.

Diary Entry

Week Ten
4th April – Today I added my rough cuts onto my blog and updated my diary entries. I also carried on with making changes to my magazine.

5th April – Today I concentrated on changing the blue boxes on my contents page as from the feedback I received they didn’t go well with my theme and I agreed as I have used only red and black on the other pages.

6th April – Today I looked at changing the ‘Revolution’ writing on the front cover by making it bolder so it was easier to read and stood out more. I also made the same style of writing for the word ‘contents’ and ‘this week’.

7th April – Today I went back to re-arranging my contents page so it all fit in together better and looked more part of the magazine with the rock theme.

8th April – Today we went through what I need to do for the evaluation of this project. I began to plan the way in which I want to do the evaluation.


Diary Entry

Week 11
11th April – Today I carried on with improvements on my magazine. I looked through my feedback sheets to remind myself on what I need to focus on to get my magazine finished on time.

12th April – Today I finished my front cover of my magazine. I wrote up my feedback and posted it onto my blog with an example of the sheet I received my feedback on.

13th April – Today I finished my contents page for my magazine.

14th April – Today I finished my double page spread. I posted my final magazine cover, contents page and double page spread onto my blog.

Final Front Cover

I took all of my feedback into account and made improvements to my magazine some improvements were...

- making the title clearer.
- changing the fonts of 'Amped' to make it stand out more.
- Made all my other stories the same sizes and fonts to make my magazine look more professional.
- Changed the picture in the bottom right hand corner to drum sticks

I am really pleased with my front cover and I know I did everything I could to make sure my magazine was made to the best of my ability.


Final Contents Page

I also looked at all the feedback I received and made improvements to my contents page. Some of the improvements were...

- I took more photos so there would be a variety of photos throughout my magazine
- I re-arranged the bottom half of my magazine so it wouldn't look as separate from the top half
- I changed the fonts of 'contents' and 'this week' to make the 'rock' theme come through more
- I changed the colours from blue, red and white to red, black and white so my contents page fit in more with the rest of my magazine.

Although I made the most improvements on my contents page, I am really pleased with the way it turned out.